Dari Pemilik Herba Mujarab:
Dari Pemilik Herba Mujarab:
1) Segala puji bagi Allah S.W.T. yang mentadbir seluruh alam. Selawat dan Salam ke atas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. serta sekalian para sahabatnya. Alhamdulillah saya dengan rasa rendah diri dan bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi dapat memproses sejenis ubat tradisional mengikut kaedah Islam untuk menjadi amalan kita setiap hari.
2) Ingatlah wahai saudara-saudaraku yang beriman tentang pesanan nabi kita Muhammad SAW “LIKULLI DAA IIN.DAWA ONN.. yang bermaksud setiap penyakit ada ubatnya. Oleh itu mari mencuba perubatan cara islam ini. Kerana tidak ada ubat yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kecuali ubat ciptaan Allah SWT seperti cerita2 dalam sejarah islam di dalam Kitab2 Muktabar yang dikarang oleh para Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah.
3) Ingatlah wahai saudaraku yang beriman setiap tumbuh-tumbuhan yang Allah SWT jadikan yang melata di atas bumi ini sebagai ubat dan penawar bagi sekalian hambanya. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT bersifat dengan sifat Kesempurnaan sebelum Allah SWT menjadikan segala penyakit. Allah SWT menciptakan berbagai tumbuhan sebagai Ubat dan Penawarnya.
4) Allah SWT menguji hambaNya dengan berbagai-bagai penyakit supaya hamba-hambanya beriman dan mencari ubat dan penawarnya. Seperti yang disebut di dalam kitab-kitab perubatan Islam yang dikarang oleh Para Ulamak yang Solehin.
5) Semua tumbuhan ada peranan masing-masing. Cara menggunakannya ada tersebut dalam Kitab perubatan Islam. Antaranya yang disebutkan adalah Pokok Belimbing Tanah , pokok Misai Kucing, Pokok Dokong anak, Pokok Senamaki, Hempedu Bumi, Rumput Telinga Kera dan sebagainya.
6) Menurut cerita dalam sejarah Islam tersebut dalam Kitab Bustanul Ariffin Karangan Sheikh Tajul Ariffin Ibnu Athor iaitu pada zaman Nabi Sulaiman AS dengan kuasa Allah SWT tumbuh sebatang pohon kayu di tempat Nabi Sulaiman AS sujud maka bertanya Nabi Sulaiman AS kepada pokok itu.
“Hai Pokok, Apa Nama Kamu? Maka dijawab pokok tersebut Aku telah diutuskan oleh Allah SWT untuk menjadi Raja Segala Penawar bagi segala penyakit serta penyembuh bagi segala penyakit yang ada di dalam tubuh manusia sehingga ke hari Kiamat”
7) Oleh itu Marilah Saudara2ku, kita sama-sama mengamalkan ubat HERBA MUJARAB supaya dikurniakan kesihatan sempurna sepanjang zaman. Cubalah Minum dulu baru tahu akan khasiatnya. InsyaAllah Mujarab...
1) Semasa mengamalkan meminum herba mujarab minumlah dengan air suam berlebihan setiap hari supaya ia cepat berkesan dan janganlah campurkan minum atau makan dengan ubatan moden kerananya akan lambat memberi kesan dengan penyakit yang dialami.
2) Minumlah tanpa Was-was. Ia tidak membahayakan kesihatan dan makanlah apa yang kita suka tanpa berpantang.
Selamat Mencuba!
English Translation :
Effective Herb From Owner.
1) Praise be to Allah S.W.T which governs the entire universe. Peace and Blessings of the Great Prophet Muhammad and all his companions. I thank God with humility and gratitude to the Almighty to process a herbs according to traditional Islamic methods to be our practice every day.
2) Remember dear brothers and sisters who believe the message of our prophet Muhammad “LIKULLI DAA IIN.DAWA ONN which means every disease there is no cure. So let's try this medicine the way of Islam. Because there is no medicine that can cure the disease but all benefit plant like story creation of God in the history of Islam in Kitab2 venerated written by the Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
3) Remember o brother and sister believes any plants that made to crawl on the earth as a cure and healing for all his servants. Surely, Allah is with the nature of perfection before God makes all diseases. Allh SWT created the various plants as a medicine and cure.
4) Allah SWT test servants with various diseases so faithful servants, and finding a cure to heal. As mentioned in medical books authoured by The Muslims Scholars who Solehin.
5) All plants have their respective roles. Its use is mentioned in the Book of Islamic medicine. Among those mentioned are carambola tree soil, tree cat's whiskers, dokong principal subsidiaries, senamaki tree, biliary tree earth, grass tree monkey ears and so on.
6) According to a story in the history of Islam Book Bustanul Tajul Ariffin Authorship Sheikh Ibnu Athor, ie during the time of Prophet Solomon with the power of God to grow a tree in place of prostration of Prophet Solomon then asked to the tree.
" Hai Tress, What is your name? " So answered the tree. " i was sent by God to be King Of Cure for All Disease and healing for all diseases that exist in the human body up (until) to the Day Of Judgement".
7) Thus Come Brother, we are both practicing medicine EFFECTIVE HERBS so blessed with perfect health of all time. Try out a new first, will usefulness. Hopefully Effectual.
1) Current drinking EFFECTIVE HERB, must take excessively warm water so it fast effecient and do not mix drinking or eating modern medicine would cause slow impact with illness.
2) Drinks without DOUBT. It does not endanger for the health and eat what we like withuot confinement.
1) Semasa mengamalkan meminum herba mujarab minumlah dengan air suam berlebihan setiap hari supaya ia cepat berkesan dan janganlah campurkan minum atau makan dengan ubatan moden kerananya akan lambat memberi kesan dengan penyakit yang dialami.
2) Minumlah tanpa Was-was. Ia tidak membahayakan kesihatan dan makanlah apa yang kita suka tanpa berpantang.
Selamat Mencuba!
English Translation :
Effective Herb From Owner.
1) Praise be to Allah S.W.T which governs the entire universe. Peace and Blessings of the Great Prophet Muhammad and all his companions. I thank God with humility and gratitude to the Almighty to process a herbs according to traditional Islamic methods to be our practice every day.
2) Remember dear brothers and sisters who believe the message of our prophet Muhammad “LIKULLI DAA IIN.DAWA ONN which means every disease there is no cure. So let's try this medicine the way of Islam. Because there is no medicine that can cure the disease but all benefit plant like story creation of God in the history of Islam in Kitab2 venerated written by the Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
3) Remember o brother and sister believes any plants that made to crawl on the earth as a cure and healing for all his servants. Surely, Allah is with the nature of perfection before God makes all diseases. Allh SWT created the various plants as a medicine and cure.
4) Allah SWT test servants with various diseases so faithful servants, and finding a cure to heal. As mentioned in medical books authoured by The Muslims Scholars who Solehin.
5) All plants have their respective roles. Its use is mentioned in the Book of Islamic medicine. Among those mentioned are carambola tree soil, tree cat's whiskers, dokong principal subsidiaries, senamaki tree, biliary tree earth, grass tree monkey ears and so on.
6) According to a story in the history of Islam Book Bustanul Tajul Ariffin Authorship Sheikh Ibnu Athor, ie during the time of Prophet Solomon with the power of God to grow a tree in place of prostration of Prophet Solomon then asked to the tree.
" Hai Tress, What is your name? " So answered the tree. " i was sent by God to be King Of Cure for All Disease and healing for all diseases that exist in the human body up (until) to the Day Of Judgement".
7) Thus Come Brother, we are both practicing medicine EFFECTIVE HERBS so blessed with perfect health of all time. Try out a new first, will usefulness. Hopefully Effectual.
1) Current drinking EFFECTIVE HERB, must take excessively warm water so it fast effecient and do not mix drinking or eating modern medicine would cause slow impact with illness.
2) Drinks without DOUBT. It does not endanger for the health and eat what we like withuot confinement.
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